

客製化照片印刷餅乾 Miko手作餅乾一片也能製作


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  1. Congratulations on your hard work and dedication. You deserve this! 恭喜你在學業上的努力和付出,你值得這份成就!
  2. May your future be filled with success and happiness. 祝你的未來充滿成功和幸福。
  3. I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished. You are an inspiration to us all. 我為你取得的成就感到驕傲,你是我們的榜樣。
  4. I know you will do great things in the future. I believe in you! 我知道你在未來會取得偉大的成就,我相信你!
  5. The world is your oyster. Go out there and make it your own. 世界是你們的,去開創屬於你們的世界吧。
  6. May your future be filled with love, laughter, and happiness. 祝你的未來充滿愛、歡笑和幸福。
  7. I am so proud of the person you have become. I know you will do great things in the future. 我為你成為的這個人感到驕傲,我知道你在未來會取得偉大的成就。
  8. Follow your dreams and never give up on your goals. 追逐你的夢想,永遠不要放棄你的目標。
  9. You are a bright and talented young person. I know you have a bright future ahead of you. 你是一位聰明有才華的年輕人,我知道你有光明的未來。
  10. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. 祝你在未來的努力中取得一切順利。 




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  1. 我從不樹立計畫,不管是什麼。因為生命不會按照計畫進行。
  2. 活得漂亮,就是最好的復仇!
  3. 我『腳上的泡』,是我自己走出來的。
  4. 如果不是回頭就能改變的問題,就當作『踩到屎』。
  5. 有壓力是活著的證明,也是幸福的事情。既然活著,怎麼會沒有壓力呢?
  6. 世界上沒有不遺憾或不痛苦的人生,但人們總覺得自己的人生最悲慘。
  7. 即使活到60歲,我也不懂人生,因為我也是第一次60歲。
  8. 付出多少時間、付出多少努力,得到多少回報。
  9. 多嘗試的人是無法被打敗的!
  10. 每件事都沒有所謂正確答案。
  11. 我活得像我自己就行,那個人就是那個人,為什麼要模仿別人呢?
  12. 人生值得一活,真的,很有趣。


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1. 乾淨的家會有好事發生




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  1. 你的到來,就是給我們最大的祝福❤️
  2. 沒有什麼比今天收到你(妳)的祝福更溫暖的事!
  3. 感謝你來參加我們人生中最重要的一天!❤️你!
  4. 拿起手機紀錄這美好的時光跟我們一起分享吧!
  5. 今天的歡樂,就是為新的一年先暖身一下!
  6. 努力一定會成功,你看新郎今天就娶到這麼正的新娘!
  7. 算你幸運,讓你今天看到這麼帥的新郎!
  8. 決定了就放手去做,時間可是不等人的,動起來吧!
  9. 沒錯就是你,一定要幸福哦!!
  10. 用今天的這場美好的喜宴來,為今天劃下完美句點!
  11. 婚姻就是分享生活的一切,感謝有您。
  12. 有您的祝福,是我們美好生活的開始。
  13. 感謝你來我們的婚禮為我們見證幸福。
  14. 感謝你今天的到來,是個令人歡欣的日子。
  15. 感謝為我們兩作見證不要忘記與我們合照喔!
  16. 有您最誠摯的祝賀,我們一起幸褔一起到老。
  17. 有您的祝福,我們彼此會一年比一年更幸福。



  1. 並不是每條紅線都會帶來好姻緣,有些要收六百(紅線請勿停車)
  2. 紅包錢沒有不見,是變成上台的機會!恭喜中獎啦!請10秒內勇敢衝上台!珍惜補貼紅包錢的機會!



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1. What fuels your spirit fuels your body – Happy New Year.

找到能療癒你身心的事物 —— 新年快樂。

2. Wishing you a happy and successful year!

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  1. If you can dream, you can do it.
  2. Life is an astounding journey.
  3. Happiness is the journey.
  4. You’re off to great places, today is your day.
  5. You always pass failure on the way to success.
  6. Winning doesn’t always mean being first.
  7. It always seems impossible until it is done. 
  8. You are valuable! May 2024 be awesome! 
  9. Make full use of your potential and talent in 2024!
  10. May 2024 be a very successful year for you!
  11. Blessings and goodness under the sun.May 2024 be happy and fun!
  12. Joy and wonder, smiles and more, wishing you a happy 2024!
  13. For the New Year 2024 I wish you good health, joy, peace, happiness and lots of blessings.
  14. Fight all you can.
  15. Self-dissolution is barred.
  16. You're young & you're brave & bright.
  17. Buck up, do your damnedest, and fight.
  18. ...don't be a piker, old pard!
  19. Just draw on your grit.
  20. fight & fight when hope's out of sight.
  21. Just have one more try.
  22. “Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”-Oscar Wilde
  23. There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”-Charles Dickens
  24. Success is never owned, it is rented, and the rent is due every day.” -Rory Vaden
  25. "You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Mahatma Gandhi
  26. "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” -Mother Teresa
  27. "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” -Oscar Wilde
  28. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” -Dr. Seus
  29. "An unexamined life is not worth living." -Socrates
  30. Do something amazing every day.
  31. Do what you love, love what you do.
  32. Everything is figureoutable.
  33. Positively will bring you luck.
  34. Have the happiest New Year! Wishing you good health and prosperity.
  35. A new dawn, a new day. I know 2024 has so much love and kindness in store for you.
  36. I wish for you to have a blessed and wondrous 2024!
  37. The real voyage of discovery consists not seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.May the coming year bring you love, happiness, and everything your heart desires. Happy New Year!
  38. May you have a blessed New Year loaded with wishes and warmth, blessings and greetings to make it a special year for you!
  39. May 2024 brim with love, blessings, and gratitude. 
  40.  Open your mind to embark on this wonderful journey with a joyful heart. 😉
  41.  Carpe Diem. Seize the days, students. Make your lives extraordinary!💕
  42. Believe in yourself and be brave to make decisions.
  43. May you have a healthy body and always be kind to yourself and anyone you love.
  44. Work hard and play hard. Open your mind to accept anything that happens.
  45. Your efforts in your studies will reap rewards; your hard work is valuable.
  46. Nurture a kind heart, as it enriches your personal growth and connections with others.
  47.  “May you become the person you aspire to be.This will be a wonderful and joyful year.”
  48.  2024 is the year to feel and cherish the love of those around me. 
  49.  I am finding joy in the story I am living. 
  50.   I am creating the life I deserve. 
  51.   I practice gratitude and it changes my attitude. 
  52.  I remember my worth, straighten my crown, and move forward with dignity. 
  53.  Overcoming difficulties leads to courage, self-respect, and knowing yourself.
  54.  There is a courage of happiness as well as a courage of sorrow. 
  55.   Meanings are not determined by situations, but we determine ourselves by the meanings we give to situations.
  56. You largely constructed your depression. It wan’t given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it. 
  57. Problem talk creates problems. Solution talk creates solutions.
  58. Don’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
  59. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
  60. All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.
  61.  I’m telling you a secret🤫 Some of the best times of your life haven’t happened yet. 2024 is the year foryou!
  62. Your future now arises.
  63.  Put your best foot forward.
  64. “If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance of their doubting too.”-Rudyard Kipling


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  1. 祝您龍馬精神,身體健康!
  2. 龍年好運連連,事事如意!
  3. 龍年好心情,越活越年輕!
  4. 祝你好運龍總來!
  5. 祝你天天龍有錢!
  6. 好運龍帶來!
  7. 龍潭龍戲!(Long time no see)
  8. 祝你全家平安龍福氣!
  9. 一順百順,事事龍順心!
  10. 祝你龍年如意,幸福龍虎哩!
  11. 祝你幸福美滿,天天龍歡喜!
  12. 龍年到了,別再做個睡龍,讓我們當一條有幹勁的飛龍!
  13. 欣欣向龍(榮)
  14. 生意興龍(隆)
  15. 富貴龍(榮)華
  16. 容(龍)光煥發
  17. 龍鳳呈祥
  18. 臥虎藏龍
  19. 龍騰虎躍
  20. 魚躍龍門
  21. 祥龍獻瑞
  22. 新年快樂,龍年大吉財運旺,五福臨門萬事興
  23. 金龍獻瑞,吉祥如意。
  24. 龍年發財,福氣圍繞。
  25. 龍馬虎躍,前程光明。
  26. 龍年大吉,福到富貴來。
  27. 龍年行大運,財源滾滾來。
  28. 砲聲龍龍新年到,步步高升好徵兆。
  29. 龍年事事如意,財源滾滾,幸福無邊。
  30. 龍年喜迎好運,心想事成,福滿家園。
  31. 龍年來臨,好運隨行,心想事成,財源廣進。
  32. 龍年來臨,好運如潮,心想事成,福氣滿袋。
  33. 龍年龍行,事事亨通,財源廣進,幸福萬年長。
  34. 龍年旺旺,好運不斷,福星高照,笑逐顏開。
  35. 龍年進寶,好運不斷,生活如意,福滿心間。
  36. 龍年大展,前程萬里,福祿雙至,快樂無比。
  37. 龍年新春到,福祿好運來。家庭和樂滿,幸福綿綿長。
  38. 🐲龍年行大運
  39. 🐲龍年攏好運
  40. 🐲好運龍總來
  41. 🐲行運一條龍
  42. 🐲事事龍有春
  43. 🐲和樂龍龍過新年
  44. 🐲欣欣向龍賀新歲
  45. 🐲祝您龍馬行天,福氣旺旺來!
  46. 🐲祝您龍心大悅,龍年常歡喜!
  47. 🐲好運接龍紛紛來,歡歡喜喜迎好年!
  48. 🐲金元財寶攏(龍)總來,吉祥如意龍總來!
  49. 🐲祝您在龍年裡天天開心,萬事如意!
  50. 🐲祝您在龍年裡事業順利,步步高升!
  51. 🐲運勢如龍飛鳳舞,氣勢磅礴邁向2024年!
  52. 🐲龍年大發,飛向成功,鳳凰報喜,舞到開心!
  53. 🐲龍年行大運,炮聲龍龍新年到,步步高升好徵兆。
  54. 🐲龍年裡祝您:龍馬精神、魚躍龍門,身體生龍活虎。
  55. 🐲新春佳節,祝您龍年大吉大利,大顯身手,龍氣沖天!
  56. Soar like a Dragon, Prosper all Year Long.(如龍躍躍,全年興旺!)
  57. Dance with the Dragon, Delight in the New Year.(與龍共舞,新年喜慶!)
  58. Dragon Year brings Good Fortune and Joy.(龍年帶來好運和喜悅!)
  59. Dragon Dance to Success, Luck at Every Turn.(舞龍迎成功,吉祥如意!)
  60. May the Dragon Year Bless You with Abundant Happiness and Prosperity.(願龍年賜你豐富的幸福和繁榮!)


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  1. 無論經歷多少艱辛,我們都是值得的。
  2. 祝你往後每天健康成長,平安快樂!
  3. 相信自己值得更好的
  4. 在這特別的日子願帶給你一切美好!
  5. 創造自己心中的彩虹,做自己人生的主人
  6. 因為你的降臨,這天成為一個美麗的日子
  7. 因為有你,這世界又變得更美好了
  8. 相信自己的能力,不要低估自己
  9. 努力學習必定能成就不凡的自己
  10. 願你生命中的願望都能得到實現
  11. 幸運的小孩,你今年會事事順利,學業大進步喔!
  12. 只要戰勝去年的自己,就是邁向成功的開端,祝福你成為2024的最大贏家!
  13. 開學了,陽光充滿胸膛,讓智慧和自律帶領著你,實現心中的所有願望!
  14. 打開書包,放入你的理想,你的目標,你的勤奮,你的鬥志,這學期你是最耀眼的一顆星!
  15. 開學第一天,宇宙向你獻上美好的祝福:祝你學業順利,生活愉快更進步!
  16. 新學期迎來新友情、新氣象,祝福你的2024持續進步,不斷超越,做任何事都成功!
  17. 這學期你是最幸運的一顆星,上課專心,對自己的事負責任,就會成為你心目中很棒的自己。
  18. 今天是一個美好的開始,改掉你最不喜歡的壞習慣,從今天開始努力,一定會有很好的收穫!
  19. 開學了!這學期你一定可以交到很好的朋友,學業、人際關係都令你滿意!
  20. 只要心裡有太陽,到哪裡都是晴天。祝福你2024的每一天都開開心心,充實且滿足。
  21. 喜歡自己,用心生活,今天的我是最棒的!2024能量滿滿!
  22. 當你真心渴望某樣東西時,整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成。2024將會是你最棒的一年!


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